

Release Date: August 30, 2023

New Features / Enhancements

Feature Description
Handling of Exception Errors: Change Order and Submittal Improvements in handling exception errors in Change Order and Submittal documents have been implemented. If error is due to missing required fields, a validation error message will be displayed on the top banner, as well as display a message on the corresponding field.
Meeting We have introduced the option to "Cancel Document" in Meeting's "Select an Action" list to allow the initiator or Contract Administrator to cancel Meeting documents that are no longer required or was issued by mistake and cannot be deleted.
Request for Information RFI's "Return" button has been renamed to "Return to Contractor", while the "Issue" button in RFI history section has been renamed to "Issue Response".
Submittal Average Response Time calculation has been added in the Standard Report.
Onware Sync Updated information on authentication failure used for internal monitoring and troubleshooting.
Progress Claim The Claim Value section will now include "Amount of this Certificate" detail to help Contract Administrators review the Progress Claims before it gets issued for approval.
Quotation A column to display the Total Quoted Cost has been added in Quotation's browse page.
Unsolicited Change Request

A column to display the Total Quoted Cost has been added in Unsolicited Change Request's browse page.

Resolved Issue

Reported Issue Description
Assign Access page not loading


  • Error when accessing Assign Access page to assign custom access/permission to group/role.


  • The software has been fixed to address this error.


  • The error is due to the page attempting to load the default User's Guide page.

Browse page selection tracking can include duplicates


  • In certain scenarios the tracking of selected items on browse pages can get confused and allow duplicates of the same id. This could result in performing an action on an item that no longer appears selected, or as in the linked ticket, performing an action multiple times for the same document.


  • The software has been fixed to address this issue.


  • The software previously added checked items to a list without first confirming that the item was not already on the list.


For more information about previous releases, see Release Notes.