

Release Date: November 16, 2023

New Features / Enhancements

Feature Description
Change Directive / Unsolicited Change Request

Contract Administrators will now have an option to create a Change Directive from an Unsolicited Change Request.

Things to consider:

  • Change Directive's Automate Pricing setting must be enabled in the project to use this optional workflow.

  • If Automate Pricing setting is enabled, Contract Administrator will see an option to Close and Create CD when reviewing the Unsolicited Change Request.

General: Request Help option

The Request Help button is now within the footer, and integrates with out new support system.

Quotation Accepted Quotation's status will now display as "Closed (Final)" in the Standard Report.
Site Visit: Item Numbering

Previously, when an item is imported from another Site Visit report, it generates a new item number making it difficult to keep track.

This version introduces an enhancement in Site Visit item numbering, where the item number is now retained when importing it in a new Site Visit report.

In addition, to help identify which Site Visit report each item originated from, the standard printed form template has been updated to display the originating Site Visit Number for each Site Visit item in the PDF.

Things to consider:

  • By default, the Site Visit item number will be retained when imported to a new Site Visit report. Users have the flexibility to update the Site Visit item number after importing, as required in their project.

  • Within a site visit, new site visit items will be numbered in sequence from the maximum existing item number, whether that existing item is new or imported. As such, importing site visit items may cause some item numbers to be skipped.

  • Should you wish your custom printed forms updated to display the originating Site Visit number for each item as the standard printed form, please reach out to Onware Help Desk.

Unsolicited Change Request

An enhancement in the Unsolicited Change Request workflow has been implemented to allow Contract Administrators to cancel and re-open these documents, as required in the project. The following features have been added in this enhancement:

  • "Re-open for Editing" and "Cancel Document" options were added in the "Select an Action" list in the UCR browse page.

  • Issued UCR can be re-opened for editing , which transitions it back to Initiated.

  • Only Initiated UCRs can be cancelled.

Resolved Issue

Reported Issue Description
Error when creating new Change Estimate


  • Consultant receives a "non-unique value" error message when creating new document.


  • The document numbering process was changed to address the problematic scenarios


  • Various scenarios involving existing document numbers that include discipline prefixes, but with additional prefixes or non-digits (excluding the prefix) would cause the system attempts to generate a non-unique document number, which is not permitted by another part of the system.


For more information about previous releases, see Release Notes.