Close Out a Project

Once a project is completed, it is recommended the Project be identified as such within Onware as well.

Note: Only Project Administrators and Software Administrators can close out a project.

We encourage you use the following as a baseline for creating your own unique project close out.

Project Close Out Checklist

Record the Project End Date. For more information, see Edit a Project.

Export any project documents using the Onware Mobile app.

Inactivate specific users accounts. For more information, see Edit an Existing User.

Note: Users may be active on other projects. To avoid inactivating users who may be on other projects, use the User-Project ActivityClosed The User-Project Activity feature allows you to easily add and remove users from projects. By searching for a user, you can also see which exisiting projects they are on and any available projects they can be added to. feature on the Project Directory Search page to verify a user's project activity. For more information, see User-Project Activity Tool.

Inactivate the project. For more information, see Inactivate a Project.