General Navigation

The following sections will help you navigate through Onware.

Home Page

When you log in to Onware, you will be directed to the Home page. The Home page displays:

3. Universal Search- search for printable versions of documents you have access to, within a specific project, from your Home page. For more information, see Start Typing to Search.

4. Favourites - commonly used documents will appears as tiles on your personalized, project specific Home page. Favourites only display when a project has been selected. For more information, see Edit Favourites List.

5. Project Summary - visible only to Contract Administrators and General Contract Project Managers with global access. For more information on global vs. project access, see Access.

  • The Project summary is a high-level view of in progress or outstanding documents for a particular project. The Project Summary includes color coding and aging details, and can even be printed! The list of documents and the status of the documents is dependent on the user.

For Example:The summary details that display for a Contract Administrator in their Project Summary may differ from that of the General Contractor Project Manager's Project Summary on the same project, as each user needs to know about documents at different statuses of the document workflow.

6. Impersonate - allows an Administrator to assume the identity of another Onware user. This is visible only to Administrators with global access. For more information, see Impersonate a User.

7. Switch Account- allows users to easily switch between accounts. For more information, see Switch Account

8. Action Items- For more information, see Action Items

Document Banners

At the top of every document page there is a scrolling document banner that specifies what document page you are on. The banner includes Document Title and Number information. Whenever this banner is visible, you can click it to return to the document specific search page. For more information on search pages, see Search for a Document.

Top Toolbar

A. Action Buttons

The Action Buttons in the Top Toolbar are dynamic and will display options that are available at that point in a document's workflow. Whether, and which buttons appear, also depends on what page you're on (for example, an edit page) and whether the user viewing the page can action the document or not based on their Role. When a specific action cannot be completed, that button will not display.

B. Static Buttons

Static Buttons are always grey and always remain the same regardless of a users role or access.

  • Select Save to save the document.

  • Select View/Print to view or print the document.

  • Select PDF to view a PDF of the document.